
The following deliverables were or will be developed throughout the project SIMPLY POSITIVE:

D4.1 Geospatial map and report on geo-referenced multi-layer mapping of the PV potential

Workpackage 4

Delivery date: Dec. 2024

D4.3 Feasibility study on e-mobility support through local DERs with expected short, mid, & long-term impact on grid level

Workpackage 4

Delivery date: Sept. 2024

D4.4 Demand side actions of residents to reduce energy consumption and carbon footprint in focus districts

Workpackage 4

Delivery date: Sept. 2024

D4.6 Guidelines on how to use the SECAP methodology to trigger flagship Positive Energy Districts within a city

Workpackage 4

Delivery date: Sept. 2024

D6.3 SIMPLY POSITIVE best practice Booklet

Workpackage 6

Delivery date: Dec. 2024

D7.1 Dissemination implementation plan

Workpackage 7

Delivery date: February 2023

D7.2 Project website

Workpackage 7

Delivery date: March 2024

D7.3 Materials made for website and social media (content, illustrations, animations, infographics)

Workpackage 7

Delivery date: March 2023

D7.4 Final Dissemination report and Info-Flyer about the project results

Workpackage 7

Delivery date: Dec. 2024

D8.1 SIMPLY POSITIVE First Year Activity Reporting

Workpackage 8

Delivery date: January 2024

D8.2 SIMPLY POSITIVE Final Year Activity Reporting

Workpackage 8

Delivery date: Dec. 2024